Using the MAX485 RS485 Module with the Raspberry Pi

Using the MAX485 RS485 Module with the Raspberry Pi

The MAX485 module allows the Raspberry Pi to communicate using the RS485 protocol, which is widely used for industrial automation, Modbus communication, and long-distance serial data transmission. This guide will show you how to connect, configure, and use the MAX485 RS485 module with the Raspberry Pi using Python.

What You Will Need

  1. Raspberry Pi (any model with GPIO support, e.g., Pi 3, Pi 4)
  2. MAX485 RS485 Module
  3. RS485 Device (e.g., Modbus sensor, industrial controller)
  4. Jumper Wires
  5. Python installed on the Raspberry Pi

Step 1: Understanding the MAX485 Module

The MAX485 is a TTL-to-RS485 transceiver that allows the Raspberry Pi to send and receive RS485 signals.

Key Features:

  • Supports half-duplex RS485 communication
  • Operates on 5V power (compatible with 3.3V logic on the Raspberry Pi)
  • Uses TX, RX, DE, and RE pins for communication control

Step 2: Wiring the MAX485 to the Raspberry Pi

MAX485 Pin Raspberry Pi Pin Function
VCC 5V (Pin 2) Power Supply
GND GND (Pin 6) Ground
RO GPIO15 (Pin 10) RS485 Data Receive (RX)
DI GPIO14 (Pin 8) RS485 Data Transmit (TX)
RE GPIO18 (Pin 12) Receive Enable (LOW to receive)
DE GPIO18 (Pin 12) Driver Enable (HIGH to send)
A RS485 A Line Connect to RS485 Device
B RS485 B Line Connect to RS485 Device

Note: The RE and DE pins are controlled together by GPIO18, enabling or disabling transmission.

Step 3: Enable UART on the Raspberry Pi

  1. Open the Raspberry Pi configuration tool:

    sudo raspi-config
  2. Navigate to Interface Options > Serial Port.

  3. Disable the serial console but enable the serial hardware.

  4. Reboot the Raspberry Pi:

    sudo reboot
  5. Verify that the serial device is available:

    ls /dev/serial*

    You should see /dev/serial0.

Step 4: Install Required Python Libraries

  1. Update your Raspberry Pi:
    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  2. Install the Python serial communication library:
    pip3 install pyserial

Step 5: Python Code to Communicate via RS485

Basic Python Code to Send and Receive Data via RS485

import serial
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

# Define GPIO pin for RE/DE control
RS485_CONTROL = 18  

# Set up GPIO

# Configure the serial connection
ser = serial.Serial(
    port='/dev/serial0',  # Raspberry Pi UART port
    baudrate=9600,        # Set baud rate to match RS485 device

def send_data(data):
    GPIO.output(RS485_CONTROL, GPIO.HIGH)  # Enable transmission
    time.sleep(0.01)  # Small delay before sending
    ser.write(data.encode())  # Send data as bytes
    time.sleep(0.01)  # Small delay to ensure data is sent
    GPIO.output(RS485_CONTROL, GPIO.LOW)  # Enable receiving

def receive_data():
    GPIO.output(RS485_CONTROL, GPIO.LOW)  # Enable reception
    data = ser.readline().decode('utf-8').strip()
    return data

    while True:
        send_data("Hello RS485 Device!\n")
        print("Data sent!")

        # Wait for a response
        response = receive_data()
        if response:
            print(f"Received: {response}")

except KeyboardInterrupt:

Step 6: Applications of RS485 Communication with Raspberry Pi

  1. Industrial Automation – Communicate with PLCs, sensors, and controllers using Modbus RTU.
  2. Long-Distance Communication – RS485 supports long-range data transmission up to 1200 meters.
  3. Multi-Device Networks – Connect multiple devices on the same RS485 bus.
  4. Smart Energy Meters – Read Modbus-compatible energy meters.
  5. IoT and Data Logging – Collect sensor data and transmit it to cloud servers.


  1. No Communication

    • Check wiring connections, ensuring A and B lines are correctly connected.
    • Verify that UART is enabled using sudo raspi-config.
    • Ensure the RS485 device uses the same baud rate as set in Python.
  2. Permission Denied Error

    • Add the user to the dialout group for serial port access:
      sudo usermod -aG dialout $USER
      sudo reboot
  3. Garbage Characters in Received Data

    • Ensure both devices use the same baud rate and serial settings.
    • Check if shielded cables are needed for longer distances.


The MAX485 module enables the Raspberry Pi to communicate over RS485, making it ideal for industrial automation, Modbus devices, and long-distance serial data transmission. By following this guide, you can establish bidirectional communication between the Raspberry Pi and RS485 devices for IoT and embedded system projects. 🚀

3 minute read

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