How to Use the MAX485 RS485 Module with Arduino

How to Use the MAX485 RS485 Module with Arduino

The MAX485 is a low-power transceiver module for RS485 communication, which is widely used for long-distance and robust data transmission. It uses differential signaling, making it ideal for industrial automation, smart meters, and other applications. In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to interface the MAX485 RS485 module with an Arduino.

What You Will Need

  1. MAX485 RS485 Module
  2. Two Arduino Boards (for communication demo)
  3. Breadboard
  4. Jumper Wires
  5. A computer with the Arduino IDE installed

Step 1: Understanding the MAX485 RS485 Module

The MAX485 module has the following key pins:

MAX485 Pin Function
VCC Power Supply (5V)
GND Ground
DI Data Input (from Arduino TX)
RO Data Output (to Arduino RX)
DE Driver Enable (High for transmitting)
RE Receiver Enable (Low for receiving)
A RS485 Signal A
B RS485 Signal B

Note: DE and RE pins are typically tied together to control the module's mode (transmit or receive).

Step 2: Wiring the MAX485 to Arduino

Transmitter Arduino

MAX485 Pin Arduino Pin
DI Pin 3
DE Pin 2
RE Pin 2
A RS485 Signal A
B RS485 Signal B

Receiver Arduino

MAX485 Pin Arduino Pin
RO Pin 3
A RS485 Signal A
B RS485 Signal B

Connect the A and B terminals of both MAX485 modules together to establish the RS485 communication link.

Step 3: Upload the Code

Transmitter Code

#define DE_RE 2
#define DI 3

void setup() {
  pinMode(DE_RE, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(DE_RE, HIGH); // Enable transmission mode

  Serial.println("RS485 Transmitter Ready");

void loop() {
  Serial.println("Sending data...");
  digitalWrite(DE_RE, HIGH); // Enable transmission mode

  Serial.write("Hello from Transmitter!\n");

Receiver Code

#define RO 3

void setup() {
  pinMode(RO, INPUT);

  Serial.println("RS485 Receiver Ready");

void loop() {
  if (Serial.available()) {
    String received = Serial.readString();
    Serial.print("Received: ");

Step 4: Test the Setup

  1. Connect the transmitter and receiver Arduino boards to your computer using separate USB cables.
  2. Open the Arduino IDE for each board and upload the corresponding code (transmitter and receiver).
  3. Open the Serial Monitor for both boards and set the baud rate to 9600.
  4. On the transmitter's Serial Monitor, you will see messages being sent. On the receiver's Serial Monitor, you will see the same messages being received.


  • No data received: Double-check the A and B connections between the MAX485 modules.
  • Incorrect data: Ensure that both Arduino boards are set to the same baud rate.
  • Power issues: Use a stable 5V power supply for the MAX485 modules.

Applications of RS485 with MAX485

  1. Industrial automation systems
  2. Smart energy meters
  3. Long-distance data transmission in noisy environments
  4. Home automation networks


You’ve successfully interfaced the MAX485 RS485 module with Arduino for robust serial communication. With its long-distance capabilities and noise resistance, RS485 is a great choice for many IoT and industrial applications. Try expanding this setup with more devices to build a multi-node communication network!

2 minute read

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