7 Maintenance Tips For Tools You Need to Know

Tools require proper maintenance to last longer and remain useful and safe for present and future tasks. Knowing how to maintain your tools properly is a crucial protective measure. By Keeping your tools dry, clean and organised, you are taking the best possible measure necessary to take care of them. Lack of proper care can result in decreased efficiency, poor work quality, and other consequences that may result in revenue loss.

Implementing these few simple steps will help you keep your tools in optimal working condition.

  1. Store Properly: Storing your tools properly is essential for the maintenance of your tools. Proper storage will protect your tools from harsh weather conditions and damage. Metallic tools, in particular, should be kept from moisture to prevent rusting. Aside from protecting your tools, having storage makes them easy to find, saving you time.

Invest in quality storage containers and organisers. You can get a storage box for your tools or make a shelf. Keep your tools off the floor always. It is helpful to store small tools on a shelf, and you can also consider hanging them up on a pegboard. Pegboards are perfect for hanging tools like strap wrenches, socket wrench sets, or hydrant wrenches. Store your power tools in the box or case designated for them or their original packaging if possible.  

You can choose from many storage options, including bags, chests, drawers, shelves, boxes and pegboards.

  1. Clean Your Tools Regularly: cleaning your tools is another crucial step in maintaining them. However, the cleaning method depends on the type of tool. It is essential to clean your tools after each use to prevent dirt build-up. Always ensure your tools are free of grease, oil and dirt before storing them. Everyday cleaning can simply involve wiping dirt and dust from the tools.    
  • Hand Tools: Alwaysclean them after each use because the longer dirt stays on them, the harder it is to clean them. You can start by removing dirt from use with a brush or a cloth. Use a brush or other soft cleaning material to get into tight spaces.

Next, you can use soap and water, but ensure you do not use any harsh chemicals as they can cause damage.

Lastly, clean rusty tools with a brush dipped in cleaning fluid, then wipe your tools with a dry cloth. You can also maintain your tools by rinsing them with clean water and drying them completely to prevent rusting.

  • Power tools: For your power tools, you need to unplug and disconnect them first before cleaning. Then, vacuum off any dust that is easily accessible, and afterwards, get rid of any dirt or debris in the vent with compressed air. Clean the rusted part as soon as you notice it using a stiff brush, brushing it gently so you don’t scratch the metal surface.

Spray a corrosion protector on the metal part of your power tool to decrease the rust rate. Clean all the knobs and gauges to keep the tool in ultima condition.

  1. Inspect Your Tools Regularly: Another effective way to properly maintain them is by inspecting them regularly. Regular inspection helps determine if a tool is faulty or needs repair or replacement. Any little nick or dent on your tool may result in a disaster or damage. Take a little time after every task to inspect your tool for any defect carefully. 

Run basic operations on your tools, and if you notice any warning signs like weaker power level, burning smell, strange buzzes or noises coming from the inside, you know something is off with your tool that needs urgent attention.

Here are some things you can look out for when inspecting your tools:

  • Check blades, socket sizes, and other pointed parts for any dents, then sharpen if you notice any.
  • Make sure all nuts and bolts are tight and replace any that are loose.
  • Inspect tools for cracks on their handles and housings.
  • Examine cords and plugs for any sign of damage and replace them with a safe power cord before use.
  1. Keep Tools Lubricated: 

Lubrication is one of the tool maintenances that is often overlooked but can really drag down tools’ performance. Lack of lubrication usually results in issues like chafing that can quickly deteriorate parts.

Apply a light coat of lubricant like silicone spray or oil to moving parts and hinges of your tools to prevent rust and ensure smooth operation. You can also check your tool manual instructions to know the recommended steps for lubricating your tools to ensure your tools are well lubricated.

  1. Use Tools for the Right Task: Using a tool for its intended task helps keep it in its optimal shape. This prevents unnecessary damage and protects the user. Also, always check tools before use to ensure they are in the right condition. 
  1. Read and Follow Manuals: The manual with tools has the best maintenance tips to keep the tool in the best shape. Manuals come with important and useful guidelines instructing and advising on how to keep tools in optimal condition.  
  2. Part Replacement: you don’t always have to throw a tool away or replace it with a new one when it is falling apart. Sometimes, all you need to do is to replace any essential part as soon as you notice it is falling apart. Replacing falling parts on time will help prevent the tool from getting spoilt or damaged.

There are many reasons to prioritise proper maintenance of your tools, and the most crucial of them is increased efficiency. By ensuring that your tools are well-maintained, you not only enable them to function smoothly but also extend their lifespan. Implementing the following tips will greatly assist in preserving your tools in excellent condition.


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