Using the MCP2515 with the Raspberry Pi

Using the MCP2515 with the Raspberry Pi

The MCP2515 is a popular CAN (Controller Area Network) controller module that allows Raspberry Pi devices to communicate with CAN-enabled systems. This makes it ideal for automotive projects, industrial automation, and IoT applications. This guide explains how to set up and use the MCP2515 with a Raspberry Pi.

What You Will Need

  1. Raspberry Pi (any model with GPIO support, e.g., Pi 3, Pi 4)
  2. MCP2515 CAN Module
  3. Breadboard and Jumper Wires
  4. A computer with SSH access to the Raspberry Pi or a connected keyboard and monitor
  5. Python installed on the Raspberry Pi
  6. CAN transceiver module (if not included with the MCP2515)

Step 1: Wiring the MCP2515 to the Raspberry Pi

The MCP2515 communicates with the Raspberry Pi using the SPI protocol.

Connections (SPI Mode)

MCP2515 Pin Raspberry Pi Pin
VCC 3.3V (Pin 1)
GND Ground (Pin 6)
CS GPIO8 (Pin 24, SPI0_CE0)
SO GPIO9 (Pin 21, SPI0_MISO)
SI GPIO10 (Pin 19, SPI0_MOSI)
SCK GPIO11 (Pin 23, SPI0_SCLK)
INT GPIO25 (Pin 22)

Step 2: Enable the SPI Interface on the Raspberry Pi

  1. Open the Raspberry Pi configuration tool:
    sudo raspi-config
  2. Navigate to Interface Options > SPI and enable it.
  3. Reboot the Raspberry Pi:
    sudo reboot

Step 3: Install Required Libraries and Tools

  1. Update your Raspberry Pi:
    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  2. Install the can-utils package for CAN communication:
    sudo apt install -y can-utils

Step 4: Configure the CAN Interface

  1. Open the /boot/config.txt file:

    sudo nano /boot/config.txt
  2. Add the following lines to enable the MCP2515 overlay:


    Save and exit.

  3. Reboot the Raspberry Pi:

    sudo reboot
  4. Bring up the CAN interface:

    sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000
  5. Verify the CAN interface:

    ifconfig can0

Step 5: Testing the MCP2515

  1. Send a CAN Message: Use the cansend command to send a test message:

    cansend can0 123#DEADBEEF
  2. Receive a CAN Message: Use the candump command to monitor incoming messages:

    candump can0

Step 6: Using Python to Communicate with the MCP2515

Install the python-can library to send and receive CAN messages via Python.


pip install python-can

Example Python Script

import can

# Create a CAN bus instance
bus = can.interface.Bus(channel='can0', bustype='socketcan')

# Send a CAN message
msg = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x123, data=[0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF], is_extended_id=False)
print("Message sent: ", msg)

# Receive a CAN message
print("Waiting for a message...")
message = bus.recv()
print("Received message: ", message)


  1. CAN Interface Not Found:

    • Verify the SPI interface is enabled.
    • Check the wiring between the Raspberry Pi and the MCP2515.
    • Ensure the /boot/config.txt file is correctly configured.
  2. No CAN Messages:

    • Verify the CAN bus is properly terminated with 120-ohm resistors.
    • Ensure the bitrate matches across all devices on the CAN bus.
  3. Python Errors:

    • Ensure the python-can library is installed.
    • Check the Python script for typos or configuration errors.

Applications of the MCP2515

  1. Automotive diagnostics and monitoring
  2. Industrial automation systems
  3. Robotics communication networks
  4. IoT projects requiring reliable communication protocols


The MCP2515 CAN controller module adds robust communication capabilities to your Raspberry Pi, making it ideal for automotive, industrial, and IoT applications. By following this guide, you can set up and test the MCP2515 and start building powerful projects that leverage the CAN protocol.

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