How to Use the SIM800L GSM Module with Arduino

How to Use the SIM800L GSM Module with Arduino

The SIM800L is a popular GSM/GPRS module used for mobile communication, capable of sending SMS, making calls, and accessing the internet. Its compact size and low power requirements make it an excellent choice for IoT and communication-based projects. In this tutorial, we will show you how to interface the SIM800L with an Arduino.

What You Will Need

  1. SIM800L GSM Module
  2. Arduino Board (e.g., Uno, Mega, Nano)
  3. Breadboard
  4. Jumper Wires
  5. SIM Card (unlocked and with credit/data plan)
  6. Power Supply (capable of providing 3.7V-4.2V for the SIM800L)
  7. A computer with the Arduino IDE installed

Step 1: Understand the SIM800L Pins

The SIM800L module has several pins, but for basic operation, you only need to use the following:

SIM800L Pin Function
VCC Power Supply (3.7V to 4.2V)
GND Ground
TXD Transmit Data (to Arduino RX)
RXD Receive Data (to Arduino TX)
RST Reset (optional)

Important: The SIM800L requires a stable power source between 3.7V and 4.2V. Do not connect it directly to the 5V output of the Arduino, as it may damage the module.

Step 2: Wiring the SIM800L to Arduino

Here’s how to connect the SIM800L module to the Arduino Uno:

SIM800L Pin Arduino Pin
VCC External Power (3.7V-4.2V)
TXD Pin 10 (Software Serial RX)
RXD Pin 11 (Software Serial TX)

Use a capacitor (e.g., 1000µF) across the VCC and GND pins of the SIM800L to ensure stable power supply and prevent unexpected resets.

Step 3: Install the SoftwareSerial Library

The SIM800L communicates over UART. We’ll use the SoftwareSerial library to define custom TX and RX pins for communication.

  1. Open the Arduino IDE.
  2. Go to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries.
  3. Search for "SoftwareSerial" (already included in the IDE by default).

Step 4: Upload the Code

Below is an example sketch to send an SMS using the SIM800L module:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial sim800l(10, 11); // RX, TX

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);          // Monitor baud rate
  sim800l.begin(9600);         // SIM800L baud rate

  Serial.println("Initializing SIM800L...");

  sim800l.println("AT");       // Test communication

  sim800l.println("AT+CMGF=1"); // Set SMS mode to text

  sim800l.println("AT+CMGS=\"+1234567890\""); // Replace with recipient number

  sim800l.print("Hello from Arduino!");

  sim800l.write(26); // End SMS with CTRL+Z

  Serial.println("SMS sent!");

void loop() {
  // Nothing to do here

Step 5: Test the Setup

  1. Insert a valid SIM card into the SIM800L module.
  2. Power the SIM800L with a 3.7V-4.2V source.
  3. Connect the Arduino to your computer via USB.
  4. Open the Arduino IDE and select the correct Board and Port from the Tools menu.
  5. Upload the code to the Arduino.
  6. Open the Serial Monitor (Tools > Serial Monitor) and set the baud rate to 9600.
  7. Check the Serial Monitor for the initialization messages and SMS confirmation.


  • Module not responding: Ensure the power supply is stable and within the required voltage range.
  • No network connection: Check if the SIM card is active and has sufficient credit or data.
  • Garbage data: Verify that the baud rate in the code matches the SIM800L’s default baud rate (9600).

Applications of the SIM800L

  1. Remote monitoring and control
  2. IoT devices with GSM communication
  3. GPS tracking systems (with external GPS module)
  4. Automated SMS alerts


You’ve successfully interfaced the SIM800L GSM module with an Arduino to send SMS messages. With its ability to make calls, send texts, and access the internet, the SIM800L opens up endless possibilities for communication-based projects. Explore its advanced features to create more complex IoT applications!

2 minute read

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