A 0.91" OLED display is a small, high-contrast screen perfect for displaying text, graphics, and sensor data in Arduino projects. This guide will walk you through wiring, coding, and displaying text and graphics using the SSD1306-based OLED module with Arduino.
1. What You Need
✅ Arduino Board (Uno, Mega, Nano, etc.)
✅ 0.91" OLED Display (SSD1306, I2C)
✅ Jumper Wires
✅ Arduino IDE Installed
🔹 Note: This tutorial focuses on I2C communication, which uses only two wires (SDA & SCL), making it ideal for simple projects.
2. Wiring the 0.91" OLED to Arduino (I2C Mode)
OLED Display Pin | Arduino Uno Pin | Arduino Nano Pin |
VCC | 5V | 5V |
SDA | A4 (SDA) | A4 (SDA) |
SCL | A5 (SCL) | A5 (SCL) |
🔹 For Arduino Mega: Use SDA (Pin 20) and SCL (Pin 21).
3. Installing Required Libraries
Before coding, install the Adafruit SSD1306 and Adafruit GFX libraries:
- Open Arduino IDE.
- Go to Sketch → Include Library → Manage Libraries.
- Search for Adafruit SSD1306 and install it.
- Search for Adafruit GFX and install it.
4. Basic Code to Display Text on OLED
This example initializes the OLED and displays "Hello, Arduino!".
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
// Define OLED screen size
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 128
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 32
// Initialize OLED display (I2C address 0x3C)
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, &Wire, -1);
void setup() {
// Start OLED display
if (!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C)) {
Serial.println("SSD1306 allocation failed");
for (;;);
display.clearDisplay(); // Clear buffer
display.setTextSize(1); // Text size
display.setCursor(10, 10);
display.println("Hello, Arduino!");
display.display(); // Show text on screen
void loop() {
// Nothing here (text is static)
🔹 What This Code Does:
✔ Initializes the SSD1306 display.
✔ Prints "Hello, Arduino!" on the screen.
✔ Uses I2C address 0x3C (some modules may use 0x3D).
5. Displaying Graphics (Lines, Circles, Images)
To draw shapes, modify the code using Adafruit GFX functions.
void setup() {
display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);
// Draw a rectangle
display.drawRect(10, 10, 50, 20, SSD1306_WHITE);
// Draw a filled circle
display.fillCircle(90, 16, 10, SSD1306_WHITE);
void loop() {}
🔹 Other Drawing Functions:
✔ display.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color);
→ Draws a line
✔ display.drawCircle(x, y, radius, color);
→ Draws a circle
✔ display.drawRect(x, y, width, height, color);
→ Draws a rectangle
6. Scrolling Text Example
This example scrolls text horizontally across the OLED screen.
void setup() {
display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);
display.setCursor(0, 10);
display.println("Scrolling Text...");
// Start scrolling
display.startscrollleft(0x00, 0x0F);
void loop() {}
🔹 Scrolling Functions:
✔ display.startscrollleft(start, stop);
→ Scroll text left
✔ display.startscrollright(start, stop);
→ Scroll text right
✔ display.stopscroll();
→ Stops scrolling
7. Troubleshooting Tips
Problem: Display not showing anything.
✅ Check wiring (SDA & SCL correctly connected).
✅ Ensure the OLED I2C address is 0x3C (or try 0x3D).
✅ Use an I2C scanner to detect the device:
#include <Wire.h>
void setup() {
for (byte address = 8; address < 120; address++) {
if (Wire.endTransmission() == 0) {
Serial.print("Found I2C device at 0x");
Serial.println(address, HEX);
void loop() {}
Problem: Text is too small or too large.
✅ Adjust display.setTextSize(1);
(increase for larger text).
8. Practical Applications
✔ Displaying Sensor Data – Show real-time readings from DHT11, BMP280, etc.
✔ Clock Display – Combine with DS3231 RTC module to make a digital clock.
✔ Menu Systems – Use buttons to navigate through menus.
✔ Battery Voltage Indicator – Monitor power levels in portable projects.
9. Conclusion
Using a 0.91" OLED with Arduino is a great way to add visual output to your projects. Whether you want to display text, graphics, or sensor data, this small screen offers high contrast and low power consumption.