Running Node-RED on the Raspberry Pi

Node-RED is a powerful and flexible visual programming tool for connecting devices, APIs, and services. By running Node-RED on a Raspberry Pi, you can automate tasks, process IoT data, and build interactive workflows. This guide will walk you through setting up and running Node-RED on a Raspberry Pi.

What You Will Need

  1. Raspberry Pi (any model with GPIO support, e.g., Pi 3, Pi 4)
  2. MicroSD Card (at least 8GB, Class 10 or better)
  3. Power Supply (5V, 2.5A minimum for Pi 3; 5V, 3A for Pi 4)
  4. Raspberry Pi OS (Lite or Desktop version)
  5. Internet Connection

Step 1: Update the Raspberry Pi

  1. Ensure your Raspberry Pi is up to date:
    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Step 2: Install Node-RED

The recommended way to install Node-RED on a Raspberry Pi is via the official installation script.

  1. Run the Node-RED installation script:

    bash <(curl -sL
  2. Allow the script to complete the installation. This will:

    • Install or update Node.js
    • Install or update Node-RED
    • Configure Node-RED to run as a service
  3. After the installation, start Node-RED:

  4. To ensure Node-RED starts automatically on boot, enable the service:

    sudo systemctl enable nodered.service

Step 3: Access the Node-RED Interface

  1. Determine the Raspberry Pi’s IP address:

    hostname -I
  2. Open a web browser on a device connected to the same network and navigate to:

  3. You will see the Node-RED editor interface.

Step 4: Build Your First Flow

  1. Add a Node: Drag and drop nodes from the palette on the left.
  2. Connect Nodes: Link the output of one node to the input of another.
  3. Configure Nodes: Double-click on a node to configure its properties.
  4. Deploy the Flow: Click the Deploy button in the top-right corner to activate your flow.

Example: Create a simple flow to inject a timestamp and log it to the debug console.

  • Drag an Inject node and a Debug node onto the workspace.
  • Connect them with a line.
  • Deploy the flow and click the button on the Inject node to see the output in the debug panel.

Step 5: Extend Node-RED with Additional Nodes

  1. Open the Manage Palette option from the menu in the top-right corner.
  2. Browse and install additional nodes to extend Node-RED's capabilities, such as:
    • node-red-dashboard: Create web-based dashboards.
    • node-red-contrib-mqtt: Connect to MQTT brokers.
    • node-red-node-email: Send and receive emails.

Step 6: Applications of Node-RED

  1. IoT Automation: Connect sensors and actuators for smart home projects.
  2. Data Processing: Process and visualize real-time data from APIs or devices.
  3. Home Automation: Integrate with platforms like Home Assistant or OpenHAB.
  4. Notifications: Send alerts via email, SMS, or messaging apps like Telegram.


  1. Node-RED Not Accessible:

    • Ensure the Node-RED service is running:
      sudo systemctl status nodered.service
    • Verify the IP address and port (default: 1880).
  2. Node Installation Errors:

    • Ensure Node.js is up to date:
      node -v
    • Reinstall problematic nodes using the Manage Palette.
  3. Performance Issues:

    • Reduce the number of active flows or deploy them on a more powerful Raspberry Pi model (e.g., Pi 4).


Node-RED is a powerful tool for creating and automating workflows with minimal programming knowledge. Running it on a Raspberry Pi provides a low-cost platform for IoT projects, data visualization, and home automation. Follow this guide to set up Node-RED and start exploring its endless possibilities!

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